Unit page, primary language: LA, subsidiary: EN, interface: EN, work in progress

nomen macula

Official Latin term nomen macula
Official subsidiary term word macula
Unit identifier TAH:U12313
Unit type vocabulary
Materiality non physical entity
Link to the unit nomen macula
Links of entity generic: nomen macula
External links TA98
Taxonomic links Level 2: nomen rei anatomicae Short Extended
Level 3: nomen rei corporeae
Subsidiary language with Latin English French Spanish Russian
Non Latin primary language English French Spanish Russian
Taxonomic definition
Taxonomic definition The word macula is a word of material entity [nomen rei corporeae ] which denotes a spot or thikening at the surface of an organ component [componens organi ].

The word macula.

This word has a general meaning and denotes relatively different entities visible at the surface of some organ components.

The macula lutea is visible as a yellow spot in the retina. It is a concentration of cones where the resolution is maximal.

The maculae of the endolymphatic duct are the location where the specific fibers of the vestibulochlear nerve are concentrated to sense the horizontal and vertical accelerations.

The macula cribrosa is a macula located in the vestibule of the internal ear and sudivided into three parts corresponding to the three bony ampullae. These maculae are the locations of specific fibers from the vestibular nerve.

There are other maculae in the human body, not necessarily all enumerated in the present version of the terminology.

Vocabulary for 12313
nomen macula
By noun
6969/NFMB pair
macula lutea retinae
7257/NFMB pset
macula cribrosa labyrinthi ossei
7258/NFMB pair
macula cribrosa superior
7259/NFMB pair
macula cribrosa media
7260/NFMB pair
macula cribrosa inferior
7327/NFMB pset
macula ductus endolymphatici
7328/NFMB pair
macula utriculi
7329/NFMB pair
macula sacculi
7784/NFMB single
macula cellularis granulationis arachnoideae
By adjective
6989/AFMB pair
arteriola macularis superior
6990/AFMB pair
arteriola macularis inferior
6991/AFMB pair
arteriola macularis media
6996/AFMB pair
venula macularis superior
6997/AFMB pair
venula macularis inferior
6998/AFMB pair
venula macularis media
Number of occurrences
15 items
Date: 24.06.2022